Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Do's and Don'ts of Nose Waxing Tuel

nose hair waxing

So you can book your next waxing appointment in Los Angeles in a matter of seconds. Pay in advance, so you don't even need to remember your bank card. Using natural wax beads, the formula of the wax is effective in removing hairs from the nose, while still leaving the nose soft and clean. First things first, before you wax the delicate skin in your nose, you’re going to need an esthetician’s keen eye for detail, but also their expertise when it comes to safety. Estheticians receive hundreds of hours of training to ensure your safety, and when you’re working with a medium like wax, you do not want to risk burning yourself. Electrolysis is a permanent form of hair removal that’s done by a dermatologist or licensed aesthetician.

Nose Waxing Methods

Trimming nose hair is the safest and most accessible option for most people. Tiny scissors made just for this job are often included in grooming kits. These scissors should have rounded tips to prevent you from poking your skin and bleeding. Waxing provides lasting results without breaking the bank like laser hair removal and other pricey hair removal treatments.

Can you use hair removal cream in your nose?

A medical “truism” holds that nose hair filters the air we breathe and therefore protects us from infection by airborne viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. But, as is often the case with truisms, its history may be more venerable than verified. There’s a little glory in knowing that you don’t have to worry about people seeing those stray nose hairs sticking out from your nose. If you’re bothered by hair growth on your nose, talk to a doctor, such as a dermatologist. They’ll be able to recommend safe and effective treatments that can help. “They are a natural part of the human body, and everyone has them,” aesthetics doctor Dr. Raj Arora explains.

Hard Wax

Some natural products may exist that can thin out nasal hair, but read all product instructions very closely. Most depilatory cream labels indicate that they aren’t safe for using on nose hair. Depilatory or hair removal cream is not recommended for use in the nasal cavity. Depilatories are very strong, and you risk inhaling toxic fumes and burning the mucous membranes inside your nose.

Charmonic Nose Wax Kit

They play an important role too; nose hairs act as a filter to prevent dust, allergens, pollen, and other particles from entering the lungs. “They also help keep air moist as it comes into the nasal passages,” Dr. Arora adds. Trimming is a relatively inexpensive method of nose hair removal. However, a person will need to repeat the procedure each time the hair grows back. A professional barber, dermatologist, or plastic surgeon can offer the best advice and support for removing nose hair at home or with a medical treatment.

nose hair waxing nose hair waxing

The applicators are easy to use and they usually come with instructions on how to use the kit properly. This nose wax kit from Charmonic is quick, easy and painless to use, removing the hair from inside your nose in mere seconds. One of the best ways to get rid of pesky nose hair is to use nose hair wax. Nose hair wax kits come in a few shapes and sizes but do well to remove most of the hair from inside the nose. It took until 2015 for doctors at the Mayo Clinic to perform the first, and so far only, study to look at the effects of trimming nose hairs. Improvements were greatest in those who had the most nose hair to begin with.

Here are the best nose hair waxes and kits to try out at home. Their observation was interesting, but it was an observational study that cannot prove cause and effect, and asthma is not an infection. The researchers also did not do any follow-up studies to assess how trimming the nose hair might affect the risk of asthma — or infection. Is nose hair essential to fighting off colds and other viral illnesses? I ask this as a woman who, before the pandemic, used to get my eyebrows waxed. The person performing the wax would always recommend waxing my nose hair.

How to Remove Hair on the Outside of Your Nose

The safe tip applicator reaches just inside of your nose to wax only the hair that’s visible, not the hair that you need for proper sinus function. This is a hard wax kit that shows results that last up to a month. This kit is one of our favorites because it’s super easy to use, (just heat the wax up in the microwave), and the applicator takes any guesswork out of the waxing process. Part of the reason why waxing helps your skin stay smooth is that it doesn’t spread bacteria and excess sebum like electric trimming does. As you run an electric trimmer across your skin, it can cause bacteria to get into your pores, which may result in bumps and ingrown hairs. The waxing method keeps your pores clear for smooth, healthy skin.

Allure Man: On Nose Hair, And the Removal Thereof - Allure

Allure Man: On Nose Hair, And the Removal Thereof.

Posted: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Your Nose Hairs Serve a Purpose

Ahead, experts weigh in on everything you need to know before you wax the inside of your nose. If you’re interested in laser hair removal, be sure to find a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Only accept laser hair treatment within a professional facility. Because the nose is a small body cavity, it’s one of the most difficult spots to treat with lasers. Normally, this removes the hair at the edges of the nostril—therefore, it's not as invasive as a full nose wax, but still removes the hair that usually pokes out, bothering people the most.

One of the most problematic complications of nose hair waxing is ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can happen all over the body from plucking, waxing, and shaving, but are even more difficult to deal with inside the nose as it is an area not easily treated. As effective as waxing your nose hairs might be, there are some risks involved. You should try and not alter the hair in your nose too drastically, and instead, you should focus on the forefront most visible hairs which stick out of your nose. According to all three experts, plucking is just as bad as waxing and not worth the risk. If you insist on tidying up the area, Dr. Craythorne says the safest thing to do is trim the hairs.

While it’s normal to have nose hair and they are there for a reason, if a few visible hairs are peeking out and you’d like to get rid of them, it is safe to remove them. Below, we spoke with experts to learn the risks of nose hair waxing and tweezing, as well as the safer alternatives. While there's something admittedly satisfying about the idea of super smooth, hair-free nostrils, is nose hair waxing a good idea?

Electric trimmers are handheld devices with small, rotating cutting blades at one end. The blades sit inside a plastic or metal guard, which stops them from contacting the skin. Small slits in the guard allow longer hairs to enter the cutting mechanism below. Laser treatments are the most expensive option of all hair removal, though some offices and doctors can provide payment plans to cover the cost over time.

For one, Aaronson said that wax that’s too hot can burn the nasal mucosa, or the tissue lining the nasal cavity. This removal of the top layer of skin can also create small lesions in the nose and put you at greater risk of infection. That being said, both Patek and Dr. Patel agree that, if you do want to proceed with nose hair waxing, this is one hair removal service you might want to leave to the pros. Waxing, if done incorrectly, can oftentimes lead to a removal of not only the hairs but also some of the skin. This creates open wounds or ulcerations, which in turn can become infected by the bacteria that are already living in your nose, explains Dr. Patel.

The question of how to get rid of nose hair is one that’s debated by cosmetologists and other hair removal experts. While plenty of options exist, nose waxing is one of the quickest and most efficient. It is safe to wax the inside of your nose as long as you are using a natural wax that is suited for sensitive skin. You should also only wax the front area of your nose, to remove the visible hairs, and not the hair further up into the nose where damage can be done to the lining and mucous membranes.

Waxing those nose hairs is a quick procedure that usually is done while you are also waxing other areas of the face such as eyebrows, lip, and/or the chin. There is never a reason to stick wax up your client’s nose…those hairs are there for a reason. Using your hard wax, make a nice strip of wax up over the front of the nostril, waxing one side at a time.

Nose Hair Waxing Nose Waxing Methods For Men And Women

nose hair waxing

Okay maybe we can’t take credit for the new lease on life but still, don’t be surprised if you find a little pep in your step. People can grow hair almost anywhere, including the surface of the nose. Ciara is a health and wellbeing expert and meditation practitioner. She's always on the lookout for new health trends, innovative fitness gadgets and must-read wellness books.

nose hair waxing

What To Expect During a Full Nose Wax

There are several hair removal techniques you may consider for removing hair on the outside of your nose. Dr. Raj Arora is an aesthetic doctor and the founder of The Face Bible, who also works with Swedish skin-tech brand FOREO. She has advised on the purpose of nose hair and how to remove it safely.

Laser hair removal

It is better to avoid using hair removal cream in your nose and stick to trimming or waxing. And while some may have more than others, the desire to remove it is far more common than you’d think. If you’ve decided you’re ready to wax your nose hair, we’re here for support! But there’s a few things to keep in mind to have a successful, safe nose waxing session. Small cosmetic scissors like the brushworks Precision Straight Scissors can be used to groom visible nose hairs without removing them completely.

Wax Strips

When it comes to choosing an at-home hair removal method for the nose, there’s a lot to consider. Firstly, most experts recommended we don’t remove nostril hair entirely as it can leave the sinuses and lungs vulnerable to unfiltered air. It’s also important to consider if a professional hair removal treatment is worth investing in—and in your budget—or if you need to remove nose hair at home. Waxing your nose hair is the safest and most effective method of nose hair removal. Plucking or shaving your nose, hair can create ingrown hairs and stubbles. Waxing has longer lasting results than other hair removal methods, and it also produces smoother results since the hair is pulled directly from the root.

The Do's and Don'ts of Nose Waxing

Are you wondering why people wax nose hair in the first place? Many people have nose hair that's quite thick, dark, and noticeable. While this is completely normal and nothing to stress out over, some people feel more comfortable in social situations with a waxed nose. It’s also more likely to cause ingrown nose hairs because tweezing leaves a small shaft of hair under your skin. The salon is warm and inviting—almost a little fairytale-esque.

Pore strips are made from woven fabric that has adhesive on one side. They’re made for removing dead skin, blackheads, and debris from pores on the nose and other parts of the face. Laser hair removal must be done by a medical professional or licensed aesthetician.

Using an electric trimmer, as opposed to trimming hair the traditional way, is faster and more efficient. While trimming your nose hair won’t keep it from growing back again, it’s a practical option for temporary hair removal. The Nad’s Nose Wax Kit is one of the safest and easiest at-home nose removal kits around.

Risk of Removing Important Nose Hair

Many (most) doctors recommend leaving the tweezers for other areas of your body. Plucking your nose hairs creates an open wound through which bacteria can enter and cause infection. Laser nose hair removal can only be done by a specialist like a board certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

A Nose-Hair Waxing Video Is Going Viral — and Setting Off a Debate - Yahoo Life

A Nose-Hair Waxing Video Is Going Viral — and Setting Off a Debate.

Posted: Wed, 05 Apr 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Can you use hair removal cream in your nose?

Waxing, especially, could hurt the skin deep inside your nose. Tweezing nose hair removes the hair from the root, just as with waxing. But, it requires you to remove one hair at a time, which is both painful and time-consuming. With more efficient and less painful options available, few people choose to tweeze their nose hair. That being said, if it’s your preferred method, just be sure to clean the tweezers before and after use to ensure that bacteria doesn’t get into your pores. Waxing is a good solution for nose hair removal for some people, but not for everyone.

If you do choose to use strips for nose hair waxing, read the instructions thoroughly and be conscientious throughout the process. Plucking your nasal hairs one by one can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable. Plucking can lead to ingrown hairs and infection and is not recommended. If you are wanting to remove hairs from the root, rather choose to wax the hairs. This will be less painful and will get the job done in a shorter period of time. While delicate in approach, waxing nose hair requires you to use the hard stuff.

This kit comes with a pack of wax pearls that are melted at around 113°F/45°C before being applied to the plastic spatula. You then insert the spatula into the nose (just around the inside of the nose, never the whole way up the nostril ), leave it for 1-2 minutes to allow the wax to harden, and then pull firmly. This kit comes with a reusable measuring cup, disposable spatulas, and cups for melting the wax. Depending on how much wax you use each time, this kit should provide you with enough product for 10 hair removal sessions.

But if you wish to remove vellus or light-colored hairs on your nose, laser removal isn’t your best choice. If you only have a few errant terminal hairs on the outside of your nose, tweezing them out may be an effective strategy. If you routinely tweeze your eyebrows, you can make tweezing your nose part of that routine. Shaving removes vellus and terminal hairs at the surface of the skin. A thin layer of mucus coats nose hair, which helps those particles stick to the hair.

They're the first way you filter the air that you breathe, acting as a physical filter to block out both larger particles of debris as well as microbes, she adds. There are other methods you can try too, but they may not be as safe as using scissors or electric trimmers. A laser treatment for nose hair likely targets only the most visible hair right around the inside edge of the nostril. This makes nose hair less noticeable and prevents it from hanging out of the nose. If you use wax to remove nasal hair at home, be sure to read and follow the instructions exactly. If the area is sore or tender after the waxing, dampen a towel with warm water and place it on the area.

Depending on how deep a cut is, it can cause scarring and discoloration; none of us want a lasting reminder of the time that we cut ourselves trimming nose hair. From Danish brand UNIQ, this wax kit is a popular option for those who want to remove as many nose hairs as possible quickly. However, as Dr. Arora points out, you should try to avoid removing all nose hair as it does play an important role in filtering the air before it reaches your lungs.

It may seem faster to do them both at once, but it’s not as comfortable for your client. Then remember that because it’s warm and toasty up in there, the nostril is one place where you want to leave the wax on longer than you are used to. It’s important to let that wax set up properly, so resist that urge to remove the wax too soon.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

8 Best Hair Dryer Brushes of 2023, Tested & Reviewed

electric hair brush

The toothbrush connects to a companion app via Bluetooth and tracks your cleaning in real time, showing you what spots you miss. There’s also a little screen on the toothbrush’s charging base that coaches you as you brush. You get feedback about how much pressure you’re applying, how much brushing time you have left and how much of your mouth you’ve cleaned so far. The toothbrush comes with a travel case and four brush heads — you can purchase multiple types of replacements, which cost about $38 for a pack of two. Before investing in a higher-priced electric toothbrush, try this budget-friendly option to experience what powered models feel like. Its dual-action technology combines side-to-side bristle movements with spinning movements, and the brush head’s bristles fade in color over time to remind you to replace it.

Best electric toothbrush to splurge on: Oral-B io Series 10 Electric Toothbrush

Weighing less than two pounds, this flared-base design feels comfortable in hand and also comes in a variety of colors, too, should you like your hot tools to coordinate back to your bedroom or bathroom decor. With its combination of high-density shorter and longer bristles, the GHD Glide can turn your second-day hair into a frizz-free, salon-fresh style. It only features one heat setting, but with a little bit of dry shampoo added to the equation, it’s all you need for some lift and body. Frequent fliers will love this little guy because its just as powerful as other straightening brushes on this list without being too big to pack in your carry-on. That said, reviewers have noted its bristles can break easily, so be sure to pack it carefully.

electric hair brush

Spotlight Rose Gold Sonic Toothbrush

electric hair brush

Sonic toothbrushes vibrate at very high frequencies (often over 20,000 strokes per minute) to create micro-movements in fluids like toothpaste, which can disrupt plaque and help it detach from teeth. Suri also sells its electric toothbrush with a UV-cleaning case for an additional fee. “I’ve heard that leaving your toothbrush on the counter causes it to collect germs, but I worry about putting a wet toothbrush in a case since it might collect mold,” says Rosalie Sparaco, Select senior social media editor. “This cleaning case addresses both of those concerns.” Sparaco also appreciates that the case charges the toothbrush, like how an AirPods case charges the earbuds. Ashley Jimenez and Melanie Rud both have extensive experience writing about and testing beauty products. Melanie is a contributing writer for Byrdie where she covers all things skincare—from buzzy ingredients to acne advice.

Best affordable electric toothbrush: Arm & Hammer Spinbrush Pro Clean

The electric toothbrush comes with a travel case and eight replacement brush heads, plus its battery lasts for up to 100 days (about 15 weeks), according to the brand. Round barrel brushes can create curls or give your hair more volume, while flat paddle brushes are best for straighter, sleeker styles. Round brushes can range from under an inch to 4 inches or more in diameter, and those who have thin hair or want tighter curls should choose a smaller pick, while those with thicker hair or a desire for looser waves should opt for a larger brush.

The slightly curved design of the brush head helps keep hair smooth by following the natural curve of hair. It also heats up in just one minute, which is faster than other brushes we’ve tried. Other noteworthy features include a 360-degree swivel cord (which will help keep the cord from getting tangled) and a 30-minute automatic shut-off (so you don’t accidentally burn down your house). At the risk of pulling a Captain Obvious, straightening curly hair requires way more elbow grease, making this brush, another of Gould’s favorites, especially choice.

If you want the best of both worlds when it comes to hot brushes, the Dyson AirWrap can’t be beat. “The Dyson is a splurge but has so many attachments for different looks,” says Rona. You can create ringlets or waves of different sizes—and even smooth your hair—with this baby’s three brushes and four curling barrels (two sizes that come in two directions). It even boasts an internal temperature monitor (to avoid excess heat damage) and a small dryer attachment so you can use it like a regular blowdryer. Buy one refurbished to save on cost, and remember to always keep the filter clean for best results. This oval-shaped budget brush boasts a titanium- and ceramic-coated ventilated barrel, which will protect your tresses from heat damage.

This electric brush might be the fairy godmother of hair straighteners - Mashable

This electric brush might be the fairy godmother of hair straighteners.

Posted: Thu, 08 Mar 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]

How we picked the best electric toothbrushes

Bristles detangle and smooth hair while heat dries it, giving salon-level results in a single step — usually in less time (and with less arm fatigue) than a traditional hair dryer/brush combo. “I like that this electric toothbrush has a circular spinning brush head so I can just hold it over my teeth instead of moving it side to side,” says Harry Rabinowitz, NBC Select reporter. He also recommends the toothbrush for its suite of features, including what he calls a very noticeable pulse after two minutes, notifying you to stop brushing.

Revlon Straightening Heated Styling Brush

“It was good for creating smooth, straight hairstyles,” although it gets exceedingly hot during use, so be careful not to use it on soaking wet hair and use alongside a heat protectant. The tool also ranked highly for having simple-to-follow instructions and boosting hair's shine. Dori Price updated this story, adding new information about testing, existing product picks and new picks. Dori has over 15 years of experience researching and writing haircare and hairstyling stories, combining her knowledge with the expertise of top industry professionals such as hairstylists, hair colorists and trichologists. She is an expert in all hair product categories, from shampoos, conditioners, treatments, styling products and tools to hair color, professional services and more. However, this tool got the hottest during use in Lab tests, so be sure you use a heat protectant and use on partially-dried hair.

It combines powerful airflow with controlled heat to dry your hair as it styles with less damage, making it a favorite amongst GH Beauty Lab pros. When it comes to giving yourself a perfect, bouncy at-home blowout, there's perhaps no tool that's more valuable than a hair dryer brush. A 2-in-1 solution, a blow dryer brush styles and dries hair in one step, combining the styling of a large round brush with the drying power of a hair dryer.

Because of the included natural argan oil, this brush is ideal for those with medium-to-long hair or hair that has been chemically treated, including coloring. It may not be the best choice for someone with shorter or finer hair though since it’s a wider brush. Philips Sonicare and Oral-B are like the Apple and Android of toothbrushes, says Dolgov.

The toothbrush comes with  a travel case and one Optimal Gum care brush head. Thanks to bristles that incorporate ion-rich minerals, this paddle brush from Osensia should make your hair ultra-smooth when used in combination with your blow dryer to activate the negative ions. The brush's 5-by-3.5-inch head features heat-resistant nylon bristles with ball tips that gently massage the scalp with each stroke. The handle is ergonomically designed for comfort, with a rubber coating helps create a firmer grip. Maximizing surface area, this large brush features an extended styling surface all the way to its edges to get sleek, smooth hair. It received perfect scores in our testing for making hair look smoother and less frizzy, for gliding through hair easily and for minimizing static.

Anyone can use an electric toothbrush, experts say, but if you’re unsure about trying one, talk to your dentist. Experts specifically recommend electric toothbrushes for patients with periodontal disease, bacterial plaque or a history of dental decay. They require significantly less effort than manual toothbrushes and are more efficient at breaking up biofilm.

I have a very small bathroom, so being able to store my toothbrush on my mirror frees up counter space on the sink. This brush is a steal at its affordable price point with its built-in ceramic infusion technology which combines antioxidant-rich Argan oil and protein-rich Keratin for even, consistent heat performance and a smooth, radiant shine. You can get right down to the roots without worrying about your scalp or head getting too hot, thanks to the cool-tip bristles. There are three heat settings to choose from, and in true drugstore fashion, meaning you can get the style you want without adding too much heat.

Waterpik’s electric toothbrush earned a NBC Select Wellness Award because our testers said their teeth felt noticeably cleaner after using it twice a day. The toothbrush comes with a travel case and docking port that also acts as a charger — a full battery offers up to four weeks of use, according to the brand. Its brush head’s bristle pattern hugs tooth surfaces to deep clean nooks and crannies, plus the green bristles gradually fade to yellow, telling you it’s time for a replacement. New Waterpik Sensonic Contour Brush Heads cost about $29 for a pack of three. If you want to style your hair with a round brush but want a smaller diameter, this pick from Osensia is perfectly sized with options in 0.75-, 1-, 1.3-, 1.7-, and 2-inch diameters — and quite lightweight to boot.

12 Best Hair Straightening Brushes of 2024, Tested by Experts

electric hair brush

It works on all hair types, straightens in record time, and leaves our hair feeling silky smooth. However, if you're looking for a budget-friendly option that's also great for medium to long hair, you can't go wrong with the Remington Pro 2-in-1 Heated Straightening Brush. It's infused with argan oil and keratin to tame any frizz and flyaways you've got. Considering the results would vary vastly by different hair types, we took our testing process up a notch to make sure we’re representing all hair types. For every hot air brush, we had a mix of InStyle editors, along with a professional hair stylist and a hair model, for a total of three individuals identifying as type 1, type 2, and type 3 hair, to test each brush.

Shark FlexStyle Air Styling and Drying System

electric hair brush

You can purchase multiple different types of replacement brush heads, which will typically cost you about $31 for a pack of two. It was genuinely hard to pick between this smoothing brush and Drybar’s for best overall since they both perform so flawlessly. This one is just a tad more expensive, but it also works on all hair types, creates smooth, frizz-free hair quickly (thanks to the same ionizer technology), and shuts off automatically if it’s not in use for longer than 60 minutes. We appreciate that this brush only heats up to 365 degrees, meaning it’s less likely to damage your locks.

Eva NYC Healthy Heat Thermal Straightening Brush

Do Electric Scalp Massagers Really Stimulate Hair Growth? - Shape Magazine

Do Electric Scalp Massagers Really Stimulate Hair Growth?.

Posted: Mon, 11 Jul 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This hair brush is powered by electricity, so it needs to be plugged into a wall outlet for use. Choose from a variety of different color options, including black, mint, turquoise, and pink. Our team also incorporated their own personal experiences testing products in their own lives.

Shop our pick of the best electric toothbrushes

electric hair brush

In journalism from the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. During his time at the Coliseum, Bush played for three seasons and was instrumental in helping the Trojans reach three consecutive national championship games, ultimately winning the title in both 2004 and 2005. He holds the NCAA record for the highest yards per carry with an impressive 7.3, and also led the NCAA with an average of 222.3 all-purpose yards per game. Catch up on NBC Select’s in-depth coverage of personal finance, tech and tools, wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok to stay up to date. This pick needs to be plugged into a wall outlet for power, and it’ll automatically shut off after 60 minutes, a nice safety feature. Melanie Rud is a Chicago-based writer with 10 years of experience covering beauty.

After the testing period, testers completed a questionnaire rating ease of use, performance and overall satisfaction. In the Lab, experts measured the weight, cord length and temperature (surface and plate) for 10 minutes of use for each product. "Hair straightening brushes are electric paddle brushes with ceramic and/or tourmaline bristles that heat up to straighten hair," explains Wnek. In simpler terms, these hot brushes are a paddle brush and flat iron in one. "Hot air brushes or hair dryer brushes, as we like to call this category in the Lab, are innovative styling tools that release warm/ hot air through the circumferential surface of a round or oval brush," she says. "These brushes style and smooth hair by applying tension through the brush on the wet hair while evaporating the moisture from it to set it." They are a more user-friendly option for those who style their hair using a round brush and a hair dryer.

It’s a great option for those with curly or long hair who want to save time straightening their hair. We noticed that the cool shot button is right where the fingers rest, which accidentally caused us to switch to cool mid-styling session a few times. Still, as someone with tons of experience dealing with all types of hair tools, this option stood out for its lightweight body and ease of use. The paddle brushes use Coanda technology to guide air flow down the shaft of the hair, mimicking a salon blowout, which is highly effective but takes some getting used to at first.

For best results, run this paddle model, which heats up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit (the highest most flatirons also go), through small sections of your hair from root to tip. To achieve a little bend, work the brush beneath each section of hair, angling the paddle the way you want your strands to curve. To blowout and shape your hair (versus something more akin to flatironing), you’ll want an airflow model. For best results with this particular tool, Rona recommends starting with clean, damp hair (cool to the touch but never dripping wet) and working a spritz or dollop of your favorite heat protectant into your tresses. Brush or comb your hair first to get rid of any stubborn tangles, then section pieces off, passing the hot brush slowly from roots to ends, section by section.

Best electric toothbrush subscription: Quip Standard Electric Toothbrush

It also includes nylon bristles, ionic technology and three heat settings to get static-free results with less damage. "Even with just one pass, this brush significantly smoothed, straightened and tamed my hair." Using this brush can be a bit of a workout, though. NBC Select social media editor Sadhana Daruvuri is a fan of Foreo’s electric toothbrush, whose head is made out of medical-grade silicone and feels gentle on her teeth. The brush head also has silicone ridges on its back, which acts as a tongue and cheek cleaner. One full charge gives you a year’s worth of battery power, according to the brand, and since you don’t have to keep the toothbrush in the charger between uses, it takes up very little space in Daruvuri’s bathroom. As a general rule of thumb, you want to make sure hair is pretty much snarl-free before using a straightening brush.


It gets the job done quickly and efficiently, and she would 100 percent recommend this product to consumers. Although she recommends being mindful of the heat, the device certainly creates that smooth finish it promises. Those with thick or coarse hair may want to brush hair with their regular brush or comb first to remove any major tangles before using.

Friction caused by brushing or towel-drying your strands strips them of negative ions, leaving them susceptible to frizz and damage. Ionic hair brushes add the ions back in, and since negative ions are activated by heat, you'll need heat to make the most of them. The self-heating ones can double as a hair dryer or a hair straightener, too. If you opt for an electric brush, choose one with adjustable heat settings, particularly if you have fine or thin hair since you’ll want to use a low temperature to avoid damage.

This pick has the longest cord for easy styling and was the only winner with wrap for storage. It's also the quietest hair dryer brush we tested, although we do wish it had a cool setting to help lock in styles. Seven different heat settings and cool tip bristles make this brush, which we didn't test in the Lab, super easy to use. If you're looking for an option that's great for thin hair and has lots of setting options, this brush from Drybar may be for you. Multiple testers with fine hair noted how well it worked on their hair type.

The Good Housekeeping Institute Beauty Lab has tested multiple types of hair tools including curling irons, hair dryers and flat irons. In this test, we evaluated 11 hair straightening brushes using consumer and laboratory testing methodology. A total of 55 women (five women per product) with various hair types were recruited to test each product. They were instructed to use the product following the manufacturer’s directions on at least two separate occasions.

“For maximum volume when doing the crown and front, place the brush right underneath your hair at the roots and lift the hair straight up and back, going away from the face,” says Rona. We also measured quantitative factors like weight, size and cord length, and partnered with Quiet Mark, a third-party certifier, to assess each tool's loudness. At home, our expert testers evaluated the dryer brushes and filled out a detailed survey on ease of use, performance and overall satisfaction. After parsing through the data from 784 questions gathered from 49 questionnaires, we found the very best hair dryer brushes you can buy.

When it comes to choosing an electric toothbrush, pick one you will use, dentists told us. As long as it gets the job done, is comfortable for you to use twice a day and is paired with fluoride toothpaste, any electric toothbrush is a suitable option. But since there are so many models on the market, experts recommend thinking about the following factors to narrow down your options. Sometimes these tools include attachments, like a paddle or round brush, so you can create a variety of different looks while drying the hair at the same time, making the entire process more efficient. This tool impressed our hair stylist quite a lot, noting that it glided through hair like butter while serving consistent and powerful airflow.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

40 E-Girl Hairstyles That Are Trending On Tiktok And Instagram!

e girl hair

Trendy shaggy haircut paired with high contrast blocks of lowlights is nothing but statement-making. One popular E-Girl hairstyle is adding a fun touch of color or bleach to bangs, making them stand out and showcase your unique style. Egirl front streaks are the most common for the egirl hairstyles. Our step-by-step tutorial will demonstrate how to color your hair black with two vibrant face-framing hair streaks.

Subtle e-girl hair

These ladies are charming daredevils, and thanks to TikTok, they have emerged as the most prominent streaming subculture. Even though their looks are vibrant and bold, the souls who rock them are expected to maintain an aura of purity in their demeanor. Neon leopard print hair is one of the most exciting looks we’ve ever seen. It combines bold, vibrant colors with even more daring shapes and patterns.

Nexxus Color Assure Conditioner

This e-girl with black hair look is one of the many high-contrast variations. Opt for a thicker section like this to make the blonde color stand out more in half-updos. Dainty streaks are also just as effective when paired with dark brown hair. You can also achieve the same look when going for an e-girl with a black hair look. Keep your front highlighted strands super thin for an even edgier style. To craft your ideal E-Girl hairstyle, certain key products will be indispensable.

Green Egirl Hair

Blue hair is a bold choice when it comes to coloring your hair as it’s one of the most unnatural shades. It can also be tricky to maintain, as blue dye tends to fade, turn green, or turn ‘muddy’ very quickly. However, blue highlights give you all the impact of blue hair without as much maintenance as a full-color treatment. Even better, e-girl highlights look better with time, when they’ve had time to grow out and fade down. Try dying your roots blue for a pretty and unusual twist. Pink highlights are popular among e-girls everywhere for their cute, quirky, yet feminine look.

Pastel Pink E-girl Hair

Keep scrolling to see some signature e-girl streaks and other ways to rock e-girl hairstyles in 2024. E-Girl hairstyles are characterized by high contrast and bold hair colors, often featuring streaks of vibrant hues or block-colored bangs. The trend has evolved over the years, with various styles and patterns emerging, each one more eye-catching than the last. If you’re looking for an affordable and fun way to add color to your hair with minimal effort but maximum Y2K sass, then chunky neon highlights are just what you need.

They’re experimental and fearless, and thanks to TikTok, they’ve become the biggest subculture online. With style icons and celebrities recently spotted wearing popular E-girl hairstyles, we predict this trend will be huge throughout the year. Dare to be a sea beauty with these green and blue e-girl highlights. A wide piece of color at the front and the second one peeking from dark locks on the opposite side is an excellent way to wear the e-girl hair trend. Bright, high-contrast, and statement-making, e-girl hairstyles have flooded online spaces like TikTok and Instagram. Inspired by goth and anime subcultures, the trend has got a powerful boost due to the comeback of the 90s hairstyles, too.

Styling e girl hair in cute girlish hairstyles helps soften the look of dramatic makeup and fashion. Lilac and lavender purple streaks give edgy hairstyles a cute and whimsical look. Style purple egirl hair in box braids and space buns for an egirl look that’s stylish and fun. Most of the E-girls get vibes from the skate subculture and incorporate the ironic touch for achieving a perfect e-girl aesthetic look.

Egirl Half and Half Color

Rihanna debuts a hybrid skunk coloured hairstyle - Cosmopolitan UK

Rihanna debuts a hybrid skunk coloured hairstyle.

Posted: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 12:12:57 GMT [source]

As they come out pretty low-key compared to other popular eGirl hair styles, they are a good start for those who only want to try on an eGirl look. Egirl hair, which stands for electronic girl hair, is a trend popularized by social media, namely TikTok, with such trendsetters at Dua Lipa and Brittany Xavier. The colors it features are usually pastel and soft, though the combinations are chosen so that they create a striking contrast.

e girl hair

Purple Reign: Pigtails with Highlights

Bangs are a hit in every style, and you can follow the look at Besides, the range of options is almost endless, from pinks and purples to blues and greens. So, you are sure to create a unique and personalized style. Complementing eGirl hair with bangs makes it seem even more youthful and girlie.

Until then, E-girl hairstyles remain a benchmark for girls and women who aren’t afraid to jazz up things a little bit and break the rules. That being said, buckle up, ladies, because there’s a lot to decide from. You’ll have plenty of screenshots to present to your hairstylist once you’ve finished this list. Now, scroll down to discover the 25 best E-girl hairstyles to rock this year. Then, one or both of the halves are dyed in contrasting shades.

Pair it with some half-up, half-down pigtails, and voilà—you’re a modern-day style icon. If you are searching for a softer finish, then you will love the way subtle tones mix seamlessly with your tresses. To create this hairstyle, simply choose a hue that is a tint or two brighter than your hair color. This modern twist on the style dubbed “shadow roots” may not be as pragmatic as balayage, but it is, undoubtedly, darn cute.

Not-so-subtle makeup is another crucial aspect of the e-girl aesthetic in addition to the intense outfits, as there are over 460,000 posts devoted to #egirlmakeup on Instagram. Many e-girls rock graphic eyeliner, bold lips, striking eye shadow, and heavily made-up or filtered doll-like skin that goes along with the social media/online culture. But clothes and makeup aren't the only prominent aspects of an e-girl's appearance; the right hairstyle is the perfect way to complete the aesthetic. We know all the best hairstyles that embrace the e-girl look.

Egirl space buns are worn high on the head and usually leave most of the hair down. We love these e girl space buns done in mesmerizing mermaid hair color. Sizzle the game with the trending Tik Tok Hairstyle by the e-girl Charli D’Amelio, who completely nailed the look.

Hairstyles, Haircuts, and Hair Color Ideas 2024 Celebrity Hair Looks

e girl hair

Pink streak over it works as a signature look for the girls who want to dip themselves into the trend. You can add some subtle ashy tones to the hair for a dramatic effect on them. Check out the profile of, who captured the internet world with her fancy makeover.

Cotton Candy Pink

Probably one of the top e-girl Hairstyles right now, we suggest rocking these with your fav boyfriend jeans and band tee. Purple hair also comes out looking unique and eye-catching. Its main advantage is that it offers the golden mean between cool and warm shades because it combines both of them, namely blue and red. If you are in doubt whether you will be able to pull off a full head of color, purple highlights are your sure bet. Though, for a purple E girl hair style, you want to apply the color using a dip-dye technique so that it frames the face. This trick will allow you to achieve a high contrast appearance that reminds you of a cartoon character.

Top 10 Tik Tok Hairstyles!

The shag mullet has begun to spread like wildfire in 2022, and we kinda love it. This trend is androgynous, and edgy, and looks great with pops of pastel coloring. We love this purple hue but also know that this look would look equally great with any shade of pastel hair color. If you’re a girl with black hair, this subtly streaked look may be just what you want. This look still allows you to try out lighter sections at the front, but it isn’t an extremely high contrast difference.


This sweet and innocent style can be completed with clip-in extensions to give extra length and volume to your pigtails! We’ve seen this look sported with the cutest plaid skirts & retro sweaters paired with your fav scrunchies. Among all unnatural hair colors existing, blue hair is arguably the most unusual.

The Surprising Truth About Felicity's Infamous Haircut - E! NEWS

The Surprising Truth About Felicity's Infamous Haircut.

Posted: Fri, 28 Sep 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Y2K era was all about quirky space buns, short front pieces, fun pigtails, and tons of hair clip accessories. Update your look with a modern take of some of the most popular and trendy styles from the past. These products will help preserve your hair color and ensure your E-Girl style remains stunning for longer.

Parents of Pennsylvania girl, whose hair got tangled in Chuck E. Cheese ticket machine, file lawsuit in Scranton -

Parents of Pennsylvania girl, whose hair got tangled in Chuck E. Cheese ticket machine, file lawsuit in Scranton.

Posted: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Purple hair doesn’t just make a statement; it shouts from the rooftops. Instead of just dyeing your fringe, why not go out with purple all over? Keep the front pieces light and style them into high pigtails for that edgy, high-impact look. It remains to be seen how far this trend will go and how it will further influence the lives of teenagers worldwide.

e girl hair

Long Dyed Locks

It’s the perfect look for someone who is limited to conservative colors but still wants to hop on board the e-girl trend. Here’s a video tutorial that goes into a little more depth. There’s one look in particular that has become synonymous with the e-girl aesthetic.

The effortless curls along with this look are a perfect hack to rock your look. Dye your fringe and front layers to create a head-turning look. Magenta (as shown here) is a solid choice that taps into the e-girl look. The colors themselves are loud and dramatic, but the even split featured here makes them pop even more.

Start by using bleach on the front hair section to impart a contrasting look compared to other hair strands. An eGirl hair color is a technique that implies dyeing the strands of hair that frame your face in colors looking striking against each other. Whichever e-girl hairstyle you choose, don’t forget to snap a selfie and share it with @makeuprevolution. Now you know how to color your e-girl streaks, you just need to choose which e-girl hairstyle to go for. This hairstyle looks stylish whether your locks are blond, green, red, or any other hue.

So, opting for it, you may rest assured that you will never go unnoticed. Though, to make your hair color style stand out, even more, you can add yellow streaks to red highlights. A play of color is an essential part of most eGirl hair styles.

No matter, what face shape you have, what type of skin color you have & what’s your hairstyle, we have the proper solution for you. E-girls are buzzing on the internet with their well-styles greys and half-up ponytail tool. Credits for this look retains with, who carries the look quite well.

The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Regardless of whether you choose vibrant neon green or soothing lavender pastels, E-Girl hair is about boldly declaring your mood and style. With the right products and techniques, you can effortlessly transform your hair and join the E-Girl movement. For a ’90s-meets-e-girl style, keep the hair color playful and neutral with a focus on style. The result is the ultimate throwback hairstyle that looks great paired with low-rise jeans and a slinky spaghetti strap.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Where is the Oldest House in America? Unveil History's Gem

oldest house in the us

The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens is located on Biscayne Bay, currently known as the Coconut Grove area in Miami. Fallingwater has the perfect blend of modern architecture and nature. This famous house is comparatively newer than the rest on this list and is built by the renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright.


According to Kentucky Historical Society, William Croghan and his wife, Lucy Clark Croghan, lived here. Lucy was the sister of George Rogers Clark, who led the Lewis and Clark expedition along with Meriwether Lewis. Lewis and Clark explored the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest in the early 1800s. It is the oldest region where European settlers lived in America, and Spanish, British, and American groups have all called it their own. According to the National Park Service, through it all, there's been the González-Alvarez House which was built in 1723 by Tomás González y Hernández. He was stationed at nearby Castillo de San Marcos and worked in the military.

Ferguson Farm, 1784 Federal style house in Hartland, Vermont -  $4.9 Million

He also farmed hops and rye and built the first Southern brewery, so we're sure he was one of the most popular landowners on the island. It's hard to imagine a home from 1652 in bustling New York City, but that's the case for the Wyckoff House Museum in East Flatbush-Flatlands, Brooklyn. Per the Historic House Trust of New York City, the Wyckoff House is the oldest building in the entire state and was also the first to be named a city landmark, which happened in 1965. The farmhouse, typical of Dutch-American farms of the time period, was built by Pieter Claesen Wyckoff after he and his wife moved to the area with their dozen children from the Netherlands. The original, 13-member Wyckoff family now has a whopping 50,000 ancestors. In the living room, beige couches sit around a black wood-burning fireplace.

Palace of the Governors

Humans initially came to America some 13,000 years ago, though, and their successors erected and still live in some of these very old American buildings. This list includes some of the oldest buildings in the U.S., the majority of which are dated back to the early colonial period, with a handful dating back thousands of years. The house has been well preserved because of its unique stone architecture, rare for 17th century America. It has been home to many families over the years and in 1900 the State of Connecticut took ownership. It has gone through a number of restorations by architectural conservationists. On the tour of this museum you will discover the living conditions of the 1600’s and some artifacts from that time period.

oldest house in the us

However, it's all kept behind a classic white façade that provides a glimpse of the home's long history. Most 17th-century houses are the work of settlers who were not construction experts, and many of the structures did not last through the years. The Fairbanks House in Dedham, Massachusetts is still standing today because the Fairbanks family hired a carpenter and mason to build their home. The Fairbanks House is known as the oldest timber-framed house on the continent. Per the Fairbanks House Historical Site, the family moved to America from England just four years before constructing the home in 1637.

Description and history

Now established by Congress as a National Historic Site, it's still a working public high school and a center for education about the country's civil rights. Built in 1895, original brick walls, old world charm and modern updates, 4 bedrooms, 2135 square feet. Built in 1932 by architect Richard Koch, English Regency style, a work of art, carved staircase, hardwood floors, crown and dentil moldings, 6 bedrooms, square feet. Built in 1865, renovated in 2021, original details preserved, pine floors, gorgeous stairwell, large French doors, flagstone courtyard, 6 bedrooms, 5534 square feet.

Located on Swedesboro-Paulsboro Road, the Nothnagle Log House was constructed between 1638 and 1643 by Finnish settlers. Richard Jackson, a woodworker, farmer, and mariner, built the center portion of the structure on his family's 25-acre plot of land. Future generations made additions to the house, such as a lean-to added circa 1715. Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop, built in the French Colonial style between 1722 and 1723, is the oldest structure used as a bar in the US. The building's namesakes, privateers Jean and Pierre Lafitte, are said to have used the business as a cover-up for illicit smuggling activities. Home to pioneer settler William Newman, the Louis Arriandeaux log house was built in 1833 (or in 1827, depending which source you consult).

Elements of Art – An Analysis of the Seven Art Elements

Here are the oldest U.S. senators - Axios

Here are the oldest U.S. senators.

Posted: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The founder of the organization, William Sumner Appleton, got to work immediately. He restored sections so that the property could become an educational tool for the public. That dream came to fruition, and today, people can visit the home on the second and fourth Saturday of every month from June through October. For nearly 200 years, the Fairbanks House passed between generations. The entire space eventually doubled, with two entirely new portions of the home. When paint, wallpaper, and large windows were extravagancies reserved for the wealthy, the Fairbanks House enjoyed it.

CALIFORNIA: Mission San Juan Capistrano in San Juan Capistrano

Mount Vernon has mesmerizing garden landscaping, personally supervised by George Washington himself. He used to love a naturalistic English style, and Mount Vernon depicts it clearly. Along with the house, you will also love various historic outbuildings, including many stables and a blacksmith. Mount Vernon used to be the former residence of George Washington and his wife, Martha.

For some, one of the most attractive physical attributes is body piercing, in particular facial piercings. While some find that less is more works better with this, others are excessive and want to have piercings all over their body. It might seem strange to rub this yellow spice on your face, but it does have a lot of great attributes. Yet interestingly enough, this yellowish tint in some places is looked at as a sign of beauty.

It is located in Sarasota and is one of Florida’s most popular tourist attractions. The famous mansion in Newport, Rhode Island, the Breakers has been included in the National Historic Landmark list since 1994. This historic place is located near the Atlantic Ocean, offering the most memorable experience to visitors. The mastermind behind the construction of the Breakers is Richard Morris Hunt. Villa Vizcaya was the residential space for James Deering and his family. James Deering was the International Harvester Company’s Vice President who made his name in the agriculture machinery industry over the years.

The original lighthouse did end up developing a 10 foot long crack and was replaced by the current lighthouse in 1801. According to records, a lighthouse had been suggested for the tip of Sandy Hook as early as 1679. However, action wasn’t taken to build a lighthouse on the site until a number of shipwrecks occurred during the first three months of 1761. The Sandy Hook Lighthouse fell into British control during the American Revolution, but the structure was so sturdy that the colonists’ attack on the lighthouse failed. Sandy Hook Lighthouse has had repairs over the years, but remains largely unchanged.

There are additional displays of the history of Sandwich and the formative years of the United States. The Wing Fort House is thought to have been erected in 1641, making it one of the oldest houses in America. Stephen Wing, an early Sandwich pioneer, owned the house, and his descendants resided there for many generations after.

Unlike many of the Asian countries, when you head to the West, particularly in the United States, having pale skin isn’t always thought of as being beautiful. That is why so many people sit out in the sun or head over to the tanning salon. In France, however, they are different, and they love to embrace an alternative idea of what beauty can be. This gives these women a little bit more liberation and a lot more room to play things up or down. In the Western world, you rarely find a culture that wants women to embrace unconventional beauty.

Visitors can explore an array of artifacts and exhibits that delve into the rich cultural tapestry of the time. This ancient abode not only reflects the architectural styles of its era but also offers an immersive experience into the daily lives of its original inhabitants. With its deep historical roots, the De Vargas Street House remains a cherished landmark, drawing tourists and history enthusiasts alike to marvel at its longevity and significance. Malae Heiau is not located in the continental United States, unlike the other structures that preceded it in this list. However, it is located in Hawaii, and Hawaii has been an American State since 1959 but was under American control long before that.

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